
Beyond Boredom

  I am bored out of my mind, Only if there was something to find, A puzzle or riddle of any kind, To leave this mind-numbing boredom behind. My brain is starved for some stimulation. A physics problem or some math calculation, To engage my mind in deep concentration, And break free from this dull stagnation.

Five and a Half Years and a Lifetime Ago

As I make my way from the airport to Bangalore city, nearly six years after I departed from it, memories flood back to me. I reminisce about the time I spent here, recalling one of my closest friends who used to reside near the airport, close to that massive mall. Instinctively, I yearn to visit her - the version of her from back then, in that old neighborhood where I used to travel long hours over the weekends just to be with her. She was like a home to me during those times, always there when I needed her, whether it was after getting too high from smoking up or during moments of conflict with others. We would spend hours watching random TV shows and engaging in heartfelt conversations. Mornings would find us cuddled together, reluctant to face the realities of our adult lives and the responsibilities that accompanied them. I remember driving through the chaotic Bangalore traffic for two hours just to be by her side when she was sick and alone. Our bond was akin to that of family; in

India is Akbar Birbal and Tenali Rama: हमने कभी फर्क नहीं किया

A lot has been happening in our country over the last few weeks. There has been a lot of talk about it in every form of media available. I myself have been giving a lot of thought to the processions happening all over the country. It is a very complex and complicated issue. On the one hand, I cannot even begin to understand and comprehend the emotions of hundreds of millions of people across the world, who have their emotions invested in this and their joy on the 22nd of January and Ram Mandir. And my love to all of them. It has been a long battle, and they finally got what they had always wanted.  In a serendipitous moment last night, while engrossed in reading Walter Isaacson's "Elon Musk," I came across a chapter about Twitter, talking about Elon Musk and Parag Agarwal. This prompted a train of thought in my mind about the millions of Indians relocating to the USA annually. I imagined a future where, perhaps, a century or two from now, people of Indian origin would con

There's no such thing as bad weather, only unsuitable clothing

I am someone who generally feels very cold. A testament to this is that I would wear a windcheater in Goa in August and September when it would rain because I would feel slightly cold. I remember as a child, we went on a family trip to Himachal Pradesh and we had gone to through Rohtang Pass and then to a valley with a lot of snow where people were playing with snow. I remember being out for 5 minutes and then turning blue. My memories from the rest of the day are lying down in the car wearing every sweater possible and every blanket my parents could find, while the rest of my family were out playing in the snow. Again, I feel very cold.  Now, contrary to me, my husband, the Mallu, who has lived all his life mostly below the Tropic of Capricorn, DOES NOT feel cold at all. He will be roaming around the house in December in shorts, while I will be putting on my thermal socks. I really think he is a husky who would thoroughly enjoy extremely cold places. His birthday is coming up this wee

A Different Metric System

We have to get our upper lips waxed and our eyebrows threaded And remove every single strand of stray hair and the world, the world calls it much-needed "self-care" Men in boxer shorts is totally okay and their ball sacks are free agents but a visible bra strap is a call for some chiding and our camel toes, ohh they definitely need some hiding Tanning is a very big problem and blackheads are the mortal enemy There are different creams as per the time of day Girl, without perfect skin, how ever will you slay? Looks are what “matters” the most for us Your beauty decides your worth   Honestly, no one cares if you are feeling fine Well, of course, the industry has 400 billion dollars on the line These double standards have become the norm boys will be boys, but girls gotta stay in form So buck up woman, it is time to dress, We've got the whole damn world to impress.  

A Core Memory

In the realm of emotions, the animated film "Inside Out" brought to light the concept of core memories—those critical moments in life that shape our identities and stay etched in our minds forever. As I sit here during an office outing I helped organize, and yet find myself on the periphery of groups, I find companionship in a secluded sofa outside the main hall. I sit here in a reflective mood and scroll Instagram. Well ,that is my generation people. So, here I am scrolling Instagram , and I come across a story of a friend's dad retirement, who coincidentally was also my dad's colleague. I am suddenly transported back a couple of months ago to my own father's retirement. As I reflect on this memory, I know there is this one particular moment that I remember distinctly and fondly. And somehow I know that I am going to remember this moment for the rest of my life, till the day I die. The day was filled with speeches, photos, gifts, and a cascade of "thank you

Book Review | Yellowface | Obscurity to Overnight Success: But for How Long?

Bite-sized Review:   Yellowface, picked up on my brother's recommendation, initially lingered untouched on my table. The narrative follows Athena and June, writers tethered by an unusual connection. As June gains success riding on her "best" friend's demise, the book explores themes of ownership and plagiarism. Despite a slower pace after 200 pages, it remains a riveting tale that unexpectedly jolts, leaving you intrigued. A compelling and engaging read. Full Review: I picked up Yellowface on my brother's recommendations.  Purchasing it on instinct during a shopping excursion with my childhood friend, the book rested on my table for several days, patiently awaiting attention.  I somehow did not feel like picking it up. It has not been a great book year for me, and maybe I wasn't ready for another disappointment. But after about two weeks, I decided to finally open the book and start reading. A mere five pages in, it showed the hint of a promise and seemed rem

Template Thoughts and Instant Reactions

Social Media is eliminating the need for us to use words and form full sentences. We can just like an update or applaud an accomplishment without so much as uttering two words or worse thinking two words. Our reactions have become standard and templatized either in the form of emojis or a chatbot writing things for you and you just have to press send.  The Emoji-fication of our lives. Gone are the days when loved ones would write pages over pages to each other or coming back to reality, those irritating and long messages on WhatsApp. The weight of our expressions and responses is now carried by little yellow digital icons and a variety of ways to express them. They seem to be creeping into professional conversations as well.  Chatbots speaking to chatbots. In the realm of generative AI and omnipresent chatbots waiting eagerly to finish your sentences, much like a head-over-heels love couple during their honeymoon phase, we are soon going to forget how to write. I remember last year I w

The Room of Forgotten Things

Last week, I had a really lovely dream and woke up nostalgic and happy, with almost a smile. Context: I took a week-long break from work, so my mind was quite at ease and not worrying about meetings and deliverables.  Alright, so coming back to my dream. I am in my college room (the one I lived in during my 3rd year). I was maybe visiting campus or coming back after a break, but that wasn't very clear to me. Alright, so I am in my room, and it is very cluttered and full of things such as books, photographs, clothes, guitars, harmoniums, pens, notebooks with a clothing line going right through the middle of the room, and whatnot.  As I took a closer look at the things in the room and checked the cupboard, it started returning to me. These are things that I have lost or forgotten about, all sitting in that room for me to discover and explore. There is a pile of books, and atop is a Manchester United book that I had gifted my husband last year on his birthday while we were in Goa. And

When Men Mysteriously Misplace Their Mothers: Marriage Edition

  I have finally identified the reason why most mothers feel that their sons' wives have "taken away" their sons. It has nothing to do with the wife, and everything to do with the son himself. I have realized that men are unable to maintain a good level of communication or conversation with their mothers and fathers after they get married. Also, in our society, a daughter and a mother often share a close bond. I know I am generalizing, but this is based on my experiences and those around me. The influence of patriarchy within society often leads women in the immediate family to stick together. They become each other's confidants from an early age. They come to depend on each other for moral support against the omnipresent force of patriarchy. Mothers, daughters, and sisters share a close bond, one that might be akin to soldiers at war. Oooh, trauma bonding maybe? Just speculating. Anyway, now that we have established that the bond a mother and daughter share is spec